Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Still be YOU...

Being married is a wonderful thing and the idea of two becoming one is great... BUT, I'm finding that many women are losing themselves after they become married. What's up with that? Yes, it's a new journey with many wonderful things to share... there will be lots of sharing... sharing your body, sharing your space, sharing your time, sharing your energy, sharing your money, sharing your goals, sharing your dreams, sharing your food, sharing your bed etc... a whole bunch of sharing will take place... so all mean & stingy people, this may not be the venture for you LOL.

With all this sharing taking place, if you find that you are slowing sharing yourself away, and who you are as a person or individual is depleting and vanishing, then you should slow up and put things in perspective.

Marrying the love of your life does not mean you disappear or take a back seat. Marriage is the coming together of two individual hearts, sharing the same love for each other and cultivating their individual dreams, goals and vision to create a strong united foundation and a lasting legacy... one on which both individuals will still be recognized and accounted for.

It's not God's intention for you to get lost in your marriage... he wants you to shine just as bright as you did before the marriage, only now the light will be brighter & stronger because it's now two lights shining as one. He wants you to still soar, still pursue greatness, still take time out for yourselves, still do the things that makes you happy, the things that define you, the things that you are passionate about. He still wants you to be you... only better because now he has provided a life partner to support you in all your endeavors (granted it's within reason, lol).

So ladies, if you feel yourself slipping away... STOP... RE-ADJUST... RE-ALIGN, RE-FOCUS and RE-CHARGE. Now that you have done so, you may proceed.
Don't allow marriage to be the end of YOU... instead it's the beginning of a BETTER YOU. Knowing who YOU are makes all the difference.
Don't forget about YOU and lose YOU along this beautiful journey... take YOU with YOU for the ride! YOU will be glad YOU did... and so will your husband ☺

Until next time,
Smile, you're on camera ☺

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